Cllr. Katrina Faccenda Leith Ward

A campaigning councillor for Leith:

I appreciate it doesn’t always feel like the council is delivering the services you need. I want the council to prioritise the voices of communities and workers. I am prioritising work to make sure that those voices are heard in the City Chambers by holding regular surgeries across the ward (details below), and engaging with Community Councils, community campaigns, and the voluntary sector. Have a look at my Blogs to read more about what I am campaigning on.

My current priorities :

  • Get the basic rights - improving maintenance and repairs of council houses, investing in pavement and road maintenance, ensuring regular and reliable lifting of bins, and keeping our streets and parks clean.

  • Working to reverse privatisation and outsourcing of services to get the best value for money spent.

  • Find better ways to listen to communities, especially around large infrastructure projects, road closures, etc..

  • Prioritise building homes and communities above profit and fight over-concentration of purpose-built student accommodation blocks and short-term lets.

I hold the following Open Surgeries during school term time, where you can come and speak to me in person:

Every 1st and 4th Wednesday of the Month: Leith Library. 5.30 pm - 6.30 pm

Every 3rd Friday of the Month: The Ripple, Restalrig Road South. 12 pm - 1 pm

Every 3rd Wednesday of the Month: Heart of Newhaven (Old Victoria Primary School). 5.30 pm - 6.30 pm

No appointment is necessary. I am also available for appointments at other times, either in person or online.

Contact me by email:

Or call 0131 529 4160 (office hours)